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Tickler FREE » User guide

1. Overview

Tickler introduces checklists to Zendesk. The Tickler app is available in 2 different flavours, the free version and the full version. This is the user guide for Tickler FREE. There is a separate user guide for the full version.

Using Tickler FREE, your agents can create checklists on the fly for each ticket. When the ticket is submitted, the updated checklist is saved in the ticket.

You can read more about Tickler here:

2. Installation

Tickler FREE can both be found in the Zendesk Apps Marketplace.

2.1 Install Tickler from the Zendesk Apps Marketplace

As an administrator logged into the Zendesk agent interface:

  • Click on "Admin" button (cog icon).
  • Click on "Marketplace" under "Apps" section.
  • Find the Tickler FREE app.
  • Click "Install app" for FREE.

2.2 Create the custom ticket field for data storage

After installing Tickler FREE you will need to set up a custom ticket field for Tickler to store its data. Don't worry, Tickler will hide this field away so your agents won't know it's there. 

As an administrator:

  • Click on the "Admin" (cog icon).
  • Click on "Ticket Fields" item in the "Manage" section on the left.
  • Click on "add custom field" up on the top right of this screen.
  • Click on "select »" for the "Multi-line text".
  • In the "For agents" give the field a name (we suggest "Tickler_data").
  • Click on "Add field".
  • At the top there will be a notification saying that the field was created. Click on the field name.
  • At the top of this screen it has "Custom field ID:". Copy that ID down.
  • Click on the "Manage" item in the "Apps" section on the left.
  • Click on the cog icon to the right of Tickler FREE and click on "Change Settings".
  • Enter the ID from the field you created into the "Tickler data field" setting.
  • Click on "Update".

After you have created the custom ticket field, and updated the setting in Tickler FREE, you will need to refresh your browser, or log out of Zendesk and log back in again. New ticket fields are only available when you have refreshed Zendesk, or you log in again.

Further information regarding the creation of custom ticket field can be found on the Zendesk support site:

If you're on Zendesk's Enterprise plan and you're using Ticket Forms, please make sure that the Tickler data field you created is added to every ticket form.

Configuration Options

  • Tickler data field This is the ID of the custom ticket field which is used to store the Tickler FREE data. Note that this cannot be shared with the existing Tickler app.

3. Using the Tickler FREE app

The Tickler app is found in the right-hand ticket sidebar for both new and existing tickets.

By clicking on the plus (+) or clicking to the right of the plus, an agent can add a new task item. You can add as many items as you like. If you press SHIFT and then ENTER it will go to the next line. When you have finished entering your task, then you press ENTER.

When you are checking off the task items, the progress bar at the top of the app changes to reflect how many of your tasks you have completed. The tasks which are marked as completed are greyed out. This is so you can focus on the tasks which have not yet been completed.

When you have completed all your tasks, then the progress bar changes to a "Completed" indicator.

You can also edit an existing task item. You do this by clicking in the name of the task. It will turn the text area yellow and you can change the text. You can also delete the task item by clicking on the rubbish bin. You can also change the order of tasks by using the grab handle and dragging and dropping the task to the new position.

Your task list will not be saved until you submit the ticket in Zendesk. If you do not submit your ticket and you close the ticket, then your changes will be lost.

4. Configuring the Tickler FREE app

You can set the configuration options for app through the application settings. You can access this by clicking on "Admin" (the cog icon).

Next, click on the "Manage" item in the "Apps" section of Zendesk admin.

Once you are in this section you click on the cog icon for the app and click on "Change Settings" to edit the settings.

This will take you to the following screen.

This screen has the following options:

  • Title: This is the name of the app as it appears in the apps list.
  • Tickler data field This is the ID of the custom ticket field which is used to store the Tickler FREE data. Note that this cannot be shared with the existing Tickler app.
  • Enable role restrictions?: Allows you to choose which agent roles that the app will be available for. If this is not ticked then all agents will be able to use the app.


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