Step 1: Confirm Admin account login
Make sure you're logged into an Admin account by following these steps: GIF: Admin login example. In the GIF, Mr. Anderson is the Admin.
Step 2: Check the Agent’s role
Once you've confirmed that you're logged in as an Admin, check the role of the first agent by following these steps: GIF: Check agent role. The GIF shows Mr. Pheus's role as "Staff," which does not allow for editing personal views.
Step 3: Create or choose a role with necessary permissions
As the Admin, go to the Roles section and find or create a role that allows for "Add and edit personal, group, and global views" under "Agent Workflow" - "Views Permission": GIF: Assigning roles example. This is the role you will temporarily assign to the first agent, like Mr. Pheus in the GIF.
Step 4: Temporarily upgrade the Agent’s role
Temporarily upgrade the agent to the role you've selected: GIF: Role upgrade example. The GIF shows Mr. Pheus being upgraded from "Staff" to "Team Lead."
Step 5: Share the Personal view
Now, while logged into their upgraded account (e.g., Team Lead), the agent (Mr. Pheus) can share their Personal View by setting it to "Any agent" or "Agents in specific groups": GIF: Sharing Personal view example.
Step 6: Revert the Agent’s role
Once the views are shared, the Admin (Mr. Anderson) can revert Mr. Pheus back to his original role, "Staff."