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Lovely Views v3.0 coming soon with Quickie added!

The biggest feature you'll see in the upcoming v3.0 release is the Quickie app now embedded within the app. No longer will your agents need to have Quickie running as a seperate app. All of the Quickie features are included in Lovely Views. 

In the app preferences you'll see a new section named Top bar, the settings in this section control the Quickie features.




Here is the description for the new Enable top bar (Quickie) setting:

When enabled, the top bar app (AKA Quickie) is available to the users of Lovely Views. This feature supersedes the standalone Quickie app for all users of Lovely Views. If you've also got Quickie installed, you can still make Quickie available to users that you don't want to access Lovely Views. But for all users of Lovely Views, be sure to have this setting enabled and make Quickie NOT accessible to the Lovely Views users. There's no point having 2 top bar apps running that are doing the same thing, and this feature integrates more tightly with the main Lovely Views app than the standalone Quickie app does.


Another thing you'll notice is that Lovely Views is no longer named Lovely Views PLUS. There is only one version of the Lovely Views app now so the PLUS is no longer needed in the name.

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