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Resolved incident » Closing ticket tab not returning to Lovely Views

Update (4 May 2022): This is now RESOLVED (again). It's unclear when Zendesk will release a fix for this at their end, so we have released our own fix for this issue.



Update (27 April 2022): Zendesk have released a further update that has caused this issue to resurface. Zendesk are working on a solution. We are also working on our own solution, to be released soon.



Update (21 April 2022): This is now RESOLVED. Zendesk have released a fix for this issue to all Support instances.



When an agent closes the last remaining ticket tab that was open, normally they would be returned to Lovely Views. This is not happening due to a recent release by Zendesk that breaks this feature. We are in consultation with Zendesk and they are currently working on a fix for this issue. 

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