1. App Install / Update
To install the latest version of the app, go to the Lovely Apps Installer page, fill in the License Key and follow the instruction on screen to proceed:
This is all you have to do, your app setting will remain the same.
If you don't have a License Key or have lost it, then contact our support:
2. Change Log
The app has the following changes:
- [change] Escalator: if group is not defined for vendor ticket and the agent doing escalation is same as ticket assignee, use the agent's default group for the vendor ticket, instead of their first group as previously. See 3.2.2 Advanced Config for more info regarding group option.
- [bugfix] Escalator: attachments in comments are not included correctly. This is now fixed.
- [New] We can now use parentNewTicket or parentExistingTicket in app config to automatic add tag to parent Fork ticket for reporting purpose. See app doc for more details.
- [bugfix] Sometimes escalated tickets do not show on list
- [bugfix] On some browsers, the app does not have enough "height" to show full list of vendor tickets. This is now fixed.
- [bugfix] The escalated tickets list does not show name for each ticket but always "vendor". This is now fixed.
- [bugfix] subtickets created with "copy fields" option sometimes loose text format. This is now fixed.
- [bugfix] when chosen to "Close Tab" upon creating subticket, the parent ticket does not list the newly created subticket until the subticket is reopen. This is now fixed.
- [bugfix] fix requester placeholder (previously assignee data were populated in this placeholder)
- [new] allow to copy brand and subject of the parent ticket when creating subticket (copy fields)
- [bugfix] sometimes parent ticket does not list child tickets
- [bugfix] when creating a subticket (copy fields), if tags are in the whitelist to copy over, the defaultTags don't come along
- A freshly new version to be compatible with Zendesk App Framework (2.0)
New version 2.1.9 is now available to address several issues. Highly recommended to upgrade!