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📢 Quickie infrastructure update: New CDN released

We're enhancing our app delivery system!

As part of the latest Quickie release, we’ve introduced a new Content Delivery Network (CDN) powered by Cloudflare. This change ensures faster and more reliable app performance while maintaining the highest security standards.

This new infrastructure was released on November 20, 2024 and is already live.

What you need to know

  • No customer action required (unless you encounter issues loading the app – see below).
  • Improved app performance for all users.
  • No changes to data handling – your data remains secure.
  • Cloudflare is our approved security partner, providing industry-leading performance and protection.

This update only changes how Quickie’s app components are delivered. All existing security controls remain intact, and no customer data is processed or stored by the CDN.

Trouble loading Quickie?

If you or your team experience any issues loading Quickie, it may be due to network or firewall restrictions blocking access to the new CDN.

To resolve this, your IT team may need to whitelist the following domain:


How to verify access

To check if your network has access to the CDN:

  1. Visit this link:
  2. If the page displays “Success - you have access to the Lovestock & Leaf CDN,” your network is configured correctly.

If the link doesn’t load, please ask your IT team to adjust your firewall settings.

Need assistance?

If you have any questions or need help, please contact our support team at For additional troubleshooting steps, visit our Troubleshooting guide.

Thank you for choosing Quickie – we’re committed to providing you with a faster and more seamless Zendesk experience!

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