Change Log
The app has had the following changes:
- [new feature] 2 new settings to allow attachments selection + auto include first comment attachments upon creating subtickets (can be configured via GUI configuration)
- [new feature] New option Add subticket (copy unsaved fields) to create new subticket with fields copied from the screen, rather than from ticket data. (because agents may have changed the fields on screen and want to use these values for the subticket instead)
- [bugfix] GUI configuration: sometimes field selection does not work
- [bugfix] On esclation, if comment selection was enabled, it overwrote the data made by Apply Macro. This is now fixed
- [improvement] The app now runs faster if Liquid Markup/Placeholders were used in Vendor Escalation.
- [improvement] GUI configuration: requester look up to show email and avatar
- [new feature] Allow to automatically apply Macro when agents creating a vendor ticket (use the GUI configuration to set this up)
- [bugfix] On inherit subject does not work
- [bugfix] Subtickets are now sorted correctly in list
- [bugfix] GUI configuration improvements and fix if ticket form is not available
- [new feature] allow to use placeholders/liquid markup in configuration
- [new feature] GUI configuration: a configuration screen to be used to setup vendors (YAML config is now deprecated) - can be accessed using Setting button in the app on any existing ticket (admins only)
- [change] If group is not defined for vendor ticket and the agent doing escalation is same as ticket assignee, use the agent's default group for the vendor ticket, instead of their first group as previously. See 3.2.2 Advanced Config for more info regarding group option.
- [bugfix] Attachments in comments are not included correctly. This is now fixed.
- [bugfix] Sometimes escalated tickets do not show on list.
- Some improvement in app sizing when there are many escalated tickets.
- [bugfix] The tickets list does not show name for each ticket but always "vendor". This is now fixed.
- [bugfix] fix requester placeholder (previously assignee data were populated in this placeholder)
- [bugfix] Parent ticket tags are wiped out upon escalating
- New: add support for "" placeholder
- Bugfix: when the config is invalid the app is blank
- Bugfix: placeholders are now working properly
- A brand new version to work with new Zendesk App Framework (2.0)
- Bugfix: The Escalator UI now prevents you from escalating closed tickets
- Bugfix: Fix for error causes by "Automatic Answers" beta feature from Zendesk
- Bugfix: Ensure tags for vendors are formatted correctly
- Bugfix: Fix for missing app title
- Bugfix: Missing translation error for title
- Bugfix: JavaScript error when running without ticket assignee
- Allows to inherit or set status
- Allows to inherit custom fields, assignee, tags from parent ticket
- Support placeholders in subject and comment
- Opens attachment in new window
Version 1.0.0 is now available with the support of inherit assignee, ticket fields, ticket tags as well as applying placeholders in subject and comment for the escalated ticket.
New version 2.1.9 is now available to address several issues. Highly recommended to upgrade!