1 Overview
Tickler PLUS improves on the checklists introduced by Tickler FREE. Your agents can create checklists on the fly for each ticket.
You can read more about Tickler PLUS here:
This guide was written based on version 3.0.2 of Tickler PLUS. For a complete list of all recent changes made to Tickler PLUS, please refer to the following document:
2 Using the Tickler PLUS app
The Tickler app is found in the right-hand app sidebar for both new and existing tickets.
2.1 Adding tasks
By clicking on the plus (+) or "Add a new item" near the bottom of the app to or clicking to the right of the plus, an agent can add a new task item. You can add as many items as you like. When you have finished entering your task, then you press ENTER.
2.2 Checking off tasks
When you are checking off the task items, the progress bar at the top of the app changes to reflect how many of your tasks you have completed. The tasks which are marked as completed or pending are greyed out. This is so you can focus on the tasks which have not yet been completed.
Tickler PLUS also supports additional task states, "pending" and "skip". You will notice that the completed graph clearly shows the 4 different states.
When you have completed all your tasks, then the progress bar changes to a "Completed" indicator.
The app can be configured to toggle, in any order, into any of the following states:
- To-do
- Pending
- Skip
- Done
2.3 Reordering tasks
To change the order of a task (or tasks), move your mouse over a task. On the right side, a button with three horizontal lines will appear. That's it's "drag handle". Simply click down on it and drag the task to it's new position.
2.4 Editing tasks
To edit a task, click on it's label. It will turn yellow. Update the text by typing.
- To create a new line, press SHIFT and then ENTER together at the same time.
- To make it a sub-item, press CTRL + ] to indent, or CTRL + [ to outdent
2.5 Deleting tasks
You can delete a task item by clicking on it's label, like when editing. Then clicking the trash bin on the right.
2.6 Clearing all tasks
If you want to quickly delete all the tasks in your , you can also do that easily. When you hover your mouse over the list you will see a "Delete all" button appear to the top right of the list. Clicking this button will remove all the items out of your current list.
Before the list is actually cleared, you'll get a chance to confirm that you really want to perform this action. Clicking 'Proceed' on the dialog will remove all tasks.
2.7 Saving list changes
Because tasks are saved to a field on the ticket, any changes you make aren't permanent until you save the ticket. If you close the ticket without saving it, all changes to the list will be lost.
2.8 Outputting current list progress
To output the current list progress, click the printer icon near the top on the right side. A dialog will appear giving you two options.
2.8.1 List in comment
Selecting this option will add the current list progress to the ticket comment box. When you click Print, the ticket comment box is switched to Internal note and the progress is added. The comment is left unsaved so you have an opportunity to add additional information if desired.
2.8.2 Print list
When you select this option and click Print, a new window will open with the current list progress in a print-friendly format. Your browsers print dialog is also triggered. If you don't have a printer installed or you don't want to print, many browsers including Chrome and Firefox also give you the option to save the document as a PDF from the same print dialog.
3 Managing your Tickler Lists
One of the big advantages of Tickler PLUS is that it allows you to manage multiple list templates.
3.1 The List Manager
You can create new saved lists or access existing saved lists with the list manager. Open the list manager by clicking "Saved Lists" near the top of the app.
The area below "Saved Lists" will expand. On the left is a dropdown with all your current saved lists. On the right is a button labelled "Create new list".
3.2 Selecting Lists
You can add a saved list to a ticket by selecting one from the dropdown. If the ticket doesn't currently have a checklist, the list will be immediately added to the ticket. If there are already tasks for the ticket in Tickler, Tickler will present you with a dialog, asking you how you'd like to proceed.
The options vary, depending on the current users role and the type of saved list. Admins are presented with four options:
- Combine lists by appending the tasks from a saved list to your current list
- Replace your current list with the items from a saved list
- Overwrite the saved list with the items from your current list
- Delete the saved list
Regular agents will have the same four options if a personal list was selected. If a shared list was selected, agents are only given the first two options: append the items from the saved list to the current list, or replace the items in current list with the items from the saved list.
3.3 Creating a new saved list
The first thing you'll probably want to do is starting building up a collection of saved lists (or templates) that you can share with agents or reuse later. This is very easy to do. Add the tasks you'd like to your list, open the list manager if it's not already open, then click on the "Create new list" button.
A dialog will appear where you can give the list a name and choose whether to make it a Personal list or Shared list
- Personal Lists - Everyone can create a personal lists, but the list are only available to the agent that created it.
- Shared Lists - Admin users can also create shared lists. Shared lists are available to all agents.
When you click save, the dialog will disappear and the new list will be added to the dropdown within a few seconds.
3.5 Appending to a current list
Adding items from one list to another is also very easy. For example, say you wanted to add the items from the "Archive Project" shared list to your current list. Open the list manager if it's not already open, then click on the dropdown and select "Archive Project". A dialog will then appear.
Appending items is the default option. All you need to do is click the "Proceed" button at the bottom. The items from the saved list will then appear at the bottom of your list and will be highlighted for a few seconds.
3.6 Updating your list template
Let's say you need to add a few items to one of your lists. The process for doing that is relatively easy.
First, select the saved list from the dropdown, that you'd like to update. If there are already tasks in your checklist, choose the "Replace your current list..." option when prompted. Next, make your changes to the list. Now select the list again from the dropdown. This time, choose "Update the saved list using your current list".
Again you will see a notification bubble up explaining what has just happened and confirming that the list has now been saved.
3.7 Removing a list template
Should you want to completely remove a list it is as easy as selecting the list from the dropdown, and clicking on the "Delete list" button.
As you would expect, you will see confirmation that the list has been removed. You may notice though that the items are still in your list.
The list template has been removed, but not any items from your current list.
4 Configuring the Tickler PLUS app
You can set the configuration options for app through the application settings. You can access this by clicking on "Admin" (the cog icon). Next, click on the "Manage" item in the "Apps" section of Zendesk admin.
Once you are in this section, click on the thumbnail for Tickler PLUS.
On the next screen, click "App Configuration" near the top.
This screen has the following options:
- Status order - This is the order of statuses when toggling an items' status. Rearrange the letters to change the order in which statuses appear when you click on them. n = Nothing, d = Done, s = Skip, p = Pending (Default: "ndsp")
- Tickler data field - This is the ID of the custom ticket field which is used to store the Tickler PLUS data. This is required and without it, Tickler PLUS will not work. If your Zendesk supports multiple ticket forms, be sure to add the field to all forms.
- Tickler user data field - Enter the 'field key' for the custom user field where Tickler can store agent specific settings (i.e., private saved lists). This value should be the field tag, not a number.
- Save list progress using a "progress field" - If checked, the checklist progress will be automatically synced to another ticket field, using either human-friendly plain text or HTML. You can then make this field available to end-users so they can also view the current list progress. (Default: unchecked)
- Progress field setting: Custom field id - Required if using a "progress field". This is the custom ticket field ID where the list progress will be saved to.
- Progress field setting: Hide progress field - When checked, the progress field will be hidden from agents, on the agent ticket screen. (Default: unchecked)
Progress field setting: Text format - Not working, leave unchecked.
By default, the progress field is saved as plain text. If checked, the progress field will be formatted using simple HTML.(Default: unchecked) - Shared Lists - This is the raw data for shared lists.We recommend against editing this directly. Instead, you should manage your lists in Tickler PLUS. If you'd like to back up your shared to-do lists, copy this to a file on your computer.
4.1 Creating custom ticket field
Note If you are upgrading from Tickler FREE then you can chose to use the same field. In which case you can skip this step.
Tickler PLUS requires that a custom ticket field be created, and be present on every ticket form (if you are on Enterprise Zendesk subscription). Instructions for how to add a custom ticket field can be found at the following link.
You should create a multiline text field which is only available to agents. The recommended name for the field is "LLData_Tickler", however you can name it whatever you like. Don't worry - this field will be hidden by the Tickler PLUS app and your agents will not be aware that the ticket field has been created.
Once the field has been created, you will need to edit the field, which will then show you the ticket field ID. This ID is what Tickler uses in the app configuration.
After you have created the custom ticket field, and changed the setting in Tickler PLUS, you will need to save the setting, and then you will need to refresh your browser, or log out of Zendesk and log back in again. New ticket fields are only available when you have refreshed Zendesk, or you log in again.
4.2 Creating custom user field
Tickler PLUS requires that a custom user field be created. Instructions for how to add a custom user field can be found at the following link.
You should create a multiline text field and add it to the "Active Fields" list. You must name the field LLData_Tickler. Or if using different field name, please make sure to specify it in setting Tickler user data field of the app.
After you have created the custom user field then you will need to refresh your browser, or log out of Zendesk and log back in again. New user fields are only available when you have refreshed Zendesk, or you log in again.
4.3 Configuring the progress field
To share checklist progress with customers and/or end-users, you'll need to configure the a custom ticket field that Tickler can save progress to. Tickler can then update the this field any time the checklist for a ticket is changed, including when a tasks's status is changed.
4.3.1 Add a custom ticket field
The first step is to create a custom ticket field. You can follow the same general steps as creating the data field above. The main difference is you'll want to make it visible to end-users. The field can be hidden from agents, so it's title in the agent interface isn't as important as the title you use for end-users, so make the end-user title something that'll make sense for end-users.
Do not check the 'Editable' box unless you want end-users to be able to update the field (you don't). When you've got everything as you like it, click Add Field. When that finishes, click the 'field created' notification on the top of the next screen.
Note the 'Custom Field ID' near the top. You'll need to add this to the Tickler PLUS app settings.
Note: Like the data custom ticket field, if you have an Enterprise account, you'll need to add this field to all ticket forms.
4.3.2 Update Tickler PLUS Settings
Open the Tickler PLUS app settings by going to Settings and Manage under Apps in the left column. Click on Tickler PLUS and then the App Configuration tab.
Check "Save list progress using a "progress field" and paste the field ID into "Progress field setting: Custom field id".
If you'd like to hide this field from agents, check the "Progress field setting: Hide progress field" option. If you're using a conditional field solution for your agents, like Field Marshal, you may want to leave this unchecked and use Field Marshal to determine whether the field is visible. This would make it possible to display progress to agents who don't have access to Tickler PLUS, but hide it for agents who do (using roles or groups).
Leave the"Progress field setting: Text format" option disabled.
4.3.3 Add code to your Guide template for formatting the field
You'll need to add some code to your Guide template so the checklist displays properly for end-users. You can find the code and instructions on where to put it in this article:
4.3.4 Adding checklist progress to email notifications
If you'd like to include list progress automatically with email notifications, all you need to do is add the the progress ticket field to the message body. Typically, the template tag will be {{ticket.ticket_field_ID}}, where 'ID' is the custom field id for the progress field.
Most notifications are generated by triggers, but they can also be sent by automations and CCs. It's important to add the field only to notifications where it applies. For example, you'll may want to add it to a trigger-based notification that runs when a comment is added, but probably not to an automation-based notification that reminds an agent to look at a ticket if it's been sitting for too long.
You can create and edit triggers by going to Settings, then Triggers (under Business Rules).
You can create and edit automations by going to Settings, then Automations (also under Business Rules).
CC notifications
You can edit CC notifications by going to Settings, then Email (under Channels) on menu on the left.
Sample Template Code
We've created some examples of how to add the progress field to notifications here: